Soon after we were given instructions on how to do our lab by Mr. Doktor (the best teacher in the world, as well as the smartest), and how to use each of the materials.
We split into groups of 3 and 4, and set off to gather our materials and safety clothing and equipment.
As we were in our groups we put our weight paper on the electronic scale and waited for Mr. Doktor to
put the Sodium Chloride (salt) onto the scale.
The Procedure we needed to follow:
1. Gather all the materials and put them on the lab bench
2. Measure 30 mL of distilled water using the graduated cylinder. Transfer this water into a 50 mL beaker
3. Weight 50g of Sodium Chloride.
4. Add Sodium Chloride to the water until it stops dissolving (the solution is saturated) and the first salt crystals begin appearing on the bottom of the beaker.
5. Measure the mass of salt remaining. Record the difference in salt as the amount added to 30 mL of water
6. Repeat steps 2-5 for 50 mL of water, 80 mL of water and 100mL of water.
7. Record all your data in the table below.
8. Create a graph of Mass of \salt vs. Volume of Water (Be sure you include a title, axis, data points, scale and a straight line of best fit).
Electronic Scale:
Graduated Cylinder:
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